Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Easter

Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Allison Kirts wrote:

So we got some great news yesterday one of our investigators that we thought didn't want to be baptized anymore actually wants to be baptized by his grandfather.

I will be up here in Park city till at least August training new missionaries. Hopefully I will be able to stay till Christmas, but I know that I will go wherever the lord wants me to.

I actually had a pretty mellow week. A lot of contacting and I got food poisoning...raw undercooked chicken.... yuck!!! the next day we had to move out of our house...It was really abrupt and we had to be out in 6 hours. That took away a whole day of proselyting.... That wasn't too good. Now we are living in the family tree. It's pretty great and we get to save time taking the bus which is awesome...It's definitely way smaller, but I can say that I lived on main street in Park City. It really is dead up here though.

Some things that I have really been studying lately are Christ like attributes. It has truly helped me to stay focused and to think of ways that I can improve. Preach My Gospel (PMG) lays it all out and just helps with studying. I think that it is a great way to do personal study everyday. I studied Faith yesterday and I recognized that it is a principle of obedience. Through our obedience we show our faith. It really helped me to recognize that we don't really know why we have all of these rules, but we follow them because we have faith in Jesus Christ and what he has done for us. Believing that it will work in our lives. That is why we do everything that we do. It's really helped me to understand more as to why we need to be obedient as missionaries.

For Easter we went to a family's home and had dinner and decorated cookies. They kids were adorable and it's helping me practice my auntie skills...They are so fine tuned now. We also were able to visit with a lot of less actives.... not very many let us in..... although there was a wonderful Jewish woman who just loved us... we are definitely going back...her husband is less active and her son was never baptized.

Other than that we are just finishing up our first transfer together. I can't believe that it's already been six weeks.... well, almost...but It's been wonderful. My great fear was getting along with my companions, but it's going great. We have become great friends and I think that it shows in our work.

I love you all and can't wait to hear from you and talk to some of you in 10 days!!!! yay

Love you,

Sister Kirts

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