Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So I got a newbie...again...

Dear Mom and all who take the time to read this,

This week I found out who my new companion was. Her name is Sister Penrod and she is from Indiana. It think it's so true that even though I'm not serving a foreign mission I definitely have had some foreign companions. I mean Idaho, Denmark and Indiana are WAY different than I expected. I told Sister Penrod and my previous companion Sister Brown that we have a gardener and they about fell over. They were all floored that we didn't do our own gardening....let's just say I felt a little stupid.....Oh well, it's supporting the illegal economy of California....now isn't that what it's all about?

Onto the rest of the week: Well President Miller, my mission President, told Sister Penrod, Who loves to work out that she would love me because I love to work out. Now I don't really know where he got that information from, I mean I love playing sports, but running aimlessly has never been one of my favorite pastimes. Needless to say she has kicked my rear a bit in getting me to run faster and harder...need I remind her that we are up in the mountains and we have NO oxygen up here....I mean come on....I know, I know, it's good for me, but it's just taking me a while to get used to it.

We are still living above the barn house and let's just say that I'm still getting used to having spiders crawl up through the drain when I am showering. I didn't expect to have that happen here, but oh well. At least I saw it...That was a good thing.

We got to play volleyball today and it was awesome. They have sand courts out here and I love to play on them. It feels like were at the beach, other than the rain it was pretty awesome. We played with the other missionaries and then we went and grabbed some of the best Mexican food ever. I really love those dirty places and we finally found one in park city. yay!!!

Now onto my purpose, I guess that I should get to that sooner, seeing as I am a missionary. Well let's get onto the spiritual side of things. It has been amazing to see how the Lord prepares people in our path and that at times we have to move a different way to be able to meet those people. Three of those people are a family. The Mother's name is Christine and she is amazing. She has been through a lot with her kids and on her own. She is progressing really well and it has been great to see here grow in her faith in Christ. Her children are adorable. They are so excited every time they get to go to primary.

We also found an amazing woman through a member. She was so prepared by the Lord it's not even funny. She is an at home care giver and she was at a home when some sisters were guess what....visit teaching....and she asked if she could meet with missionaries...can you believe that....she wanted us....How cool is that. Well we went and talked with her and she was so amazing. She had lost her mother about a year ago and was just so unsure about where she was and what had happened to her. I was just able to bare witness of the plan of salvation and that her mother was learning the same thing right now. That this is the true church and that she can gain that knowledge for herself. She was so excited and she agreed to be baptized at the beginning of September.

I also got a visit from an amazing friend, Emy Dambara this week which really brought my mood up and things are great with the new greenie. I don't really know why I keep training, but it's harder than I thought. But I figure the Lord qualifies.

I love you all and hope that all is well.


Sister Kirts

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