Friday, May 27, 2011

Oh No!!!!!!!

the world has come to an end...we have been asked to quit drinking Pepsi.
Whatever will I do?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

Pictures of me and a recent convert Michelle, whom I love and the book "The Remarkable Soul of a Women" that Pesident Uchdorf gave me. Signed and everything.

Updates on Sister Allison Kirts

This is a compilation of Allison's emails from May 25, 2011.
We happened to be online at the same time and were able to chat back and forth

May 25, 2011

Here is a link to the mission blog. There are a few pictures of me on there. Not good at all. Talk about Dad's chins....I mean seriously...That's what he left me with. I mean come on man. So not cool. More to come.....

What why didn't anyone tell me it was Trevor's I'm the worst sister in law ever....but he knows I love I'll send him something today :)

We have a baptism scheduled in a couple of weeks.

…What weather calamities? Send me info-I know there is flooding, but don't know how bad it is. It's a sign of the times though right. That the Mississippi will divide the country?...

I think Destry might come up today to do my hair. I am so happy cause I have been looking pretty scary...bad ends and no body...gross…

Other than that a pretty mellow day has been planned, we are going to go to Michael's and Wal-Mart. I'm thinking about making something.

I did have a hard time this week. I got sick again and just had a hard night. I was given a Priesthood blessing and am doing better.

It's hard to have faith that we will find people, but as long as we keep working I have been promised to find success, so long as I am obedient...Not always easy, but I can definitely start to see it's worth. Sister Christiansen is helping me a lot, but I am really getting nervous about training, I don't know if I am ready to have that much responsibility. But President Miller says he trusts me and that means a lot.

I keep praying for help to know what to do. I have been preparing by reading Preach My Gospel again and the Book of Mormon too. There is so much to know and I feel like I still don't have it all down. I guess that is why we are to study the gospel every day.

Have you still been writing in your journal? Mine aren't long entries, but they are there.

I can't believe Shel heard the heartbeat. I mean that's crazy. I'm so excited and it's hard to be so far away. Sometimes I still think about what's going on at home and what life will be like when I get back. It gets distracting...but you know me always going to the future.

I have been working on my own personal testimony of the restoration and of the priesthood and studying the doctrine and covenants has really helped to open my eyes to the power that Joseph Smith had, and the power of the priesthood in the translation. It has really opened my eyes and helped me see the vastness of this gospel.

What else would you like to know? We taught over 30 lessons this week which is a real feat let me just tell you. I mean it's huge. We have been working hard to reach our goals and have been getting good results from it. I’ll send you my letter to the president as well. It tells some more of what has been going on. Maybe we will get a car...yay!!!!! well hopes up. I am speaking every week for the next month. woo hoo.

Did I tell you I saw Ryan North. He lives up here. I have seen him a few times. Good to see some home.

I think that is it. I will be around a bit longer, and will probably check again later today.

Love you and I look forward to the letters every week. You really help lift me up.

Off to Wal-Mart and Michaels, but will check in around five I think. Love ya.

Love you, Sister Kirts